(After Geological Fieldwork Code, edited by the Geologists' Association)
There is still pressure on the limited outcrops available to us in an overpopulated island. We need more than ever to co-operate with authorities and landowners to maintain free access to geological localities. Conducted parties and professional geologists may follow their own procedures, but for the amateur geologist or beginner the key requirements are to ask permission at all times, preferably in advance, to follow instructions from those who know; and always to regard access as a privilege to be respected by good behaviour. Explain your interest and intentions at all times. Geologists must be seen to be using the countryside responsibly and observing the following general rules:
1. Obey the Country Code and observe local byelaws. Remember to shut gates and leave no litter.
2. Always seek permission before entering onto private land.
3. Don't interfere with machinery.
4. Don't litter fields or roads with rock fragments that could cause injury to livestock or be a hazard to vehicles or pedestrians.
5. Avoid undue disturbance to wildlife. Plants and animals may inadvertently be displaced or destroyed by careless actions.
6. On coastal sections, whenever possible consult the coastguard service about tides or local hazards such as unstable cliffs. This is particularly relevant to the Sheppey and Folkestone sections
7. When working in mountains or remote areas, follow the advice given in the booklet "Safety on Mountains" issued by the British Mountaineering Council, and in particular inform someone of your intended route.
8. When exploring underground, be sure you have the proper equipment and the necessary experience. Never go alone. Report to someone your departure, location, estimated time below ground and then your actual return.
9. Don't take risks on insecure cliffs or rock faces. Take care not to dislodge rock: others may be below.
10. Be considerate. Don't leave an exposure unsightly or dangerous for those who come after you.